What to Expect

New to McHenry FBC?

We know it is sometimes awkward to visit a church for the first time and want you to feel comfortable.  So here is a "usual" Sunday morning-

We have Sunday School at 9:30 where we divide into different classes.  Nursery, Pre-K through 2nd Grade, 3rd through 6th Grade, Youth - 7th through 12th Grade, Young Adults - coed, Men of all ages, and Ladies of all ages.  We go through our Bible Study where you can discuss the lesson as little or as much as you'd like.  Then, about 10:30, we head to Worship Service.  

Worship Service starts at 10:45 where we begin with announcements for events happening in the future.  Next, we sing songs of worship and praise and have a time of giving where members are invited to give their tithes and offerings.  Our pastor, Dr. David Taylor, then begins the Sunday Sermon while children ages 4 to 10 go to Children's Church.  We have a time of invitation at the end to allow anyone to make a decision or go up for a time of prayer.  The service is then ended.

Our church is a unique, Christ-centered fellowship with roots in the Baptist tradition. We’re known for our welcoming spirit where opportunities abound for people of all ages and abilities to grow in faith and share their gifts.  Our church will delight and challenge you. Not only will you find the comforts of genuine fellowship, but you will also encounter the Scriptures through worship and Bible study and be transformed more into the likeness of Christ.  To cross the threshold here is to embark on an adventure. 

Come and see what signs and wonders await us all as we learn and grow in faith as beloved children of God….

Below are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions that may help.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?

Some in our church wear suits and dresses.  Others wear jeans and sneakers.  It doesn't matter what you wear, we welcome you to join in worship with us.

How long does the service last?

Sunday School begins at 9:30am and lasts until 10:30am.  Worship Service begins at 10:45am and lasts until about noon.  Evening services on Sunday and Wednesday nights begin at 6:00pm and last until about 7:00pm

Will I be expected to give money?

Our members give tithes (a 10th of their income) and offerings during the service.  You are not required by the church to give any money at any time.  God does ask us to give to our church to help with bills like electricity and cleaning service.  If you feel led to give, by all means do.